viernes, 23 de agosto de 2013

How to get ready to write your Business Plan?

By Eduardo Corona

Para mi buen amigo Martín Medina.

Ok, I am ready to write my one page business plan, but where to start? It is a lot more difficult to envision a whole running business. My values involved, my objectives and my personal touch, than only cooking my delicious tamales, or be able to care and love my beautiful kids eight to ten hours a day, or even cleaning this mess until this house looks like new.

Even if the logic sequence of a business plans starts with the executive summary, where we can explain our whole idea running, we do not need to start there, but talk about our first passion: our product or service.

We truly believe that our menu is good enough to make a living out of selling it.  We are convinced to make money out of our ability of making things look good, or run smoothly, or taste delicious. We have no doubt that we are experts in our field, and no body can understand better than us the wishes of our client for her/his garden, or kitchen color.

So the natural way to start your business plan is talking about your passion, your expertise and your enjoyment doing it (if you do not enjoy manufacturing your product or providing your service, please, look to do something else)

We are here talking about our product or service, but now; what to say? Easy, talk about all the things you know about your product and service, be detail oriented, the first and most efficient description of your product or service are the characteristics of it, what it is, what it's made of, what is made for: think of the tags in the back of the food boxes that nobody reads. Write the specifications, directions, cautions and so on.

Yep, this is the exciting part for you and the boring stuff for the rest of us.

Can you see know why your product and service is so worthy?

Now, can you communicate this to your clients? Wait, who in the world are your clients? I would say that your clients are all those people that find benefits in all that stuff that your product or services offer… The benefits of your product or service is a perception in the client’s mind, they do not care if you have 30 years of experience in cleaning houses or if you use your secret recipe to cook tamales… They care about getting an immaculate house or a delicious taste after making business with you.

So make a list of the benefits that your product or service will deliver to the clients, a clean house will benefit your clients with:
•          A healthy environment
•          More time to spend with their loved ones or making money
•          Less stress etc.

Delicious tamales will bring to your clients:
•          A memory of their own country or their vacations in exotic places
•          Healthy sensation
•          Pleasure etc.

It is very important to identify these emotions and feelings that your product or service would make your client experiment. Those benefits will tell you who are the people that will make business with you.

Once you find these four elements, product/service characteristics, benefits and target market you are ready to talk about your Vision, your Mission Statement and your goals.

Going forward with your product/service characteristics and features, you will need to get a very professional description of your product for labeling, canning and export: that is your technical file. 

What a technical file should contain?

•          Description of the apparatus, usually accompanied by block diagram
•          Wiring and circuit diagrams
•          General Arrangement drawing
•          List of standards applied
•          Records of risk assessments and assessments to standards
•          Description of control philosophy/logic
•          Datasheets for critical sub-assemblies
•          Part list
•          Copies of any markings and labels
•          Copy of instructions (user, maintenance, installation)
•          Test reports
•          Quality control & commissioning procedures

viernes, 9 de agosto de 2013

¿Plan de Negocios en una página? Seminario Micro Empresa Social

Seminario "Adelante Empresas"
Por Eduardo Corona

Este plan de estudios fue desarrollado fusionando una serie de programas de desarrollo empresarial, investigación bibliográfica y en línea. Además, en base a 15 años de experiencia en el trabajo con pequeñas y medianas empresas, incorporé trabajos y actividades prácticas para que los alumnos se familiaricen con las habilidades empresariales que se desarrollan a través de la clase, así como durante las actividades de asesoría de negocios.

Recientemente, he seccionado estratégicamente el plan de negocios, con un fuerte enfoque en estrategias de marketing para aplicar en las actividades cotidianas de micro negocios.

Es imprescindible mantener un ambiente de aprendizaje interactivo con debates y actividades de grupo, y ejemplos prácticos en la enseñanza de este plan de estudios.

El plan de estudios está diseñado para fortalecer la cultura latina de negocios: un cálido servicio al cliente y apoyo personalizado, así como la incorporación de una cultura empresarial más diversa (puntualidad, desarrollo profesional, planificación, actualización, etc.)

Nuestro plan de estudios Adelante Empresas está enseñando para que los estudiantes escriban un plan de negocios coherente que incluye las siguientes secciones:

Resumen Ejecutivo, ayuda a los empresarios para definir su visión (¿Qué?) Y su declaración de la misión (¿por qué?), e identificar los objetivos y metas a corto, mediano y largo plazo para su negocio.

La estrategia de marketing, para describir los beneficios del producto/servicio mediante la aplicación de las herramientas del 4P (producto, posicionamiento, precio y promoción) con el fin de desarrollar un mensaje de marketing e identificar el mercado objetivo, y entonces comunicar este mensaje de manera eficiente a través de los canales de promoción adecuados.

La estrategia financiera es capaz de desarrollar habilidades contables, así como ayudar a identificar los costos y el estado de flujos de efectivo con el fin de verificar la viabilidad financiera de la empresa.

Por último, la Estrategia de Operaciones, es la herramienta que utilizamos para indicar en el plan de negocio como el negocio sería eficiente, y también cómo medir el éxito del negocio aplicando los valores y los criterios "Triple Balance": respetar a la equidad laboral, el planeta y ser económicamente productivos durante las actividades de negocio.

Próximamente habrá un nuevo seminario al que daremos acceso gratuito a través de ""

jueves, 8 de agosto de 2013

One Page Business Plan? Adelante Empresas Seminar

Adelante Empresas Business Curriculum
By Eduardo Corona

The curriculum was developed by the fusion of a number of business development programs, and an online and bibliographic research.  Also, based on the 15 years experience in working with small to medium business, I incorporated practical assignments and hands-on activities to make the students to be aware of the entrepreneurial skills to be develop through the class, as well as during business coaching activities. 
Recently, I incorporated the strategic sectioned business plan, with a strong marketing strategy training to apply in the real life of the micro business operations.
It is imperative to keep an interactive learning environment with group discussions and activities, and hands-on real life examples when teaching this curriculum.
The curriculum is designed to strengthen the Latino cultural business skills: a warm customer service, and personalized client support, as well as incorporating diverse and broader business culture (time sharpness, professional development, planning etc.)
Our Adelante Empresas curriculum is teaching the students to write a consistent business plan which includes the following sections:
Executive Summary; helping out the entrepreneurs to define their Vision (What?) and their Mission Statement (Why?), and identify objectives and goals short term, medium term and long term for their own business.
The Marketing Strategy, to describe the product/service benefits by applying the 4P’s tools (Product, Place, Price and Promotion) in order to develop a marketing message and identify the target market, and then communicates this message efficiently over the appropriate promotion channels.
The Financial Strategy is able to build bookkeeper skills to the participants, as well as help them out to identify the costs, and cash flow statement in order to verify the financial feasibility of the business.
Finally the Operations Strategy is the tool that we use to state in the business plan how the business would be efficient, also how measure the business' success applying the Triple Bottom Line values and criteria to respect People, Planet and Profit, during the business activities.
This curriculum is also an introduction to our business coaching services and Adelante Empresas Businesses Network Membership.